
Release Notes - Alpha 0.6.0

🎉 Get ready to discover new features. 🎉

New Features

Community Modules

Modul' now allows you to create and share your own modules to customize your experience! Have an idea for a module? No problem, you can develop it and submit its source code directly from your GitHub repository. Once approved by the Modul' team, it will be available on the Dashboard for the entire community. Come discuss it with us on our Discord and exchange with other users!

Premium Subscription

Modul' introduces a Premium subscription that unlocks new features designed to boost your productivity! Subscribe directly from the Pricing page and get access to exclusive modules. New subscriber-only tools will be available soon.

Productivity Tips

To help you better organize your tasks, Modul' regularly provides productivity tips directly on your Dashboard in the form of pop-ups. Improve your efficiency with our personalized advice!

tips alpha-0-6-0



The Dashboard toolbar has been completely redesigned for better accessibility while taking up less space. Log in now to discover this new interface!


Our design team has optimized the Pricing page to make the presentation of the plans clearer and more intuitive. Explore it to find the plan that suits you best.